I have finally hit rock bottom and I’m not really sure what else to do before I’m without shelter and other basic needs. I’ve never had to ask for help nor did I ever want to no matter what I was dealing with in my life. At one time I was happily married and owned a beautiful jewelry store that we worked very hard at opening. I was always that person who would give to others when I had it and it made me happy to do so. Eventually due to unforseen circumstances, my husband and I would end up in a divorce that took everything I had. My credit was mainly used during our marriage because I always kept it in good standing and he had some past issues that he was still working on to fix his. So through our divorce I lost my business, house, vehicle and my excellent credit. On top of it all he was trying to keep custody of our son and that was not going to be an option even if it meant me losing everything else I owned. He was very spiteful and took me back and forth to court knowing that my son was the only one thing that meant the world to me and I would never part from. Gratefully I won custody but I was starting from the bottom up again and all alone with my son. In our divorce decree he was ordered to pay me the minimum of child support because he would lie and keep most of his earnings off the books. So I was only supposed to get $330 a month but I never saw any of that because he would end up moving to Peru and starting a new family and business down there. Needless to say here I am now completely broke but still raising my son into a great man. I’ve kept up with my basic bills until this past December when I was laid off my job and my mom was rushed to the hospital and put in ICU on a ventilator. The doctors were telling me that she was basically shutting down and I wanted to spend every day by her side. She eventually came off the ventilator and our prayers were being answered. It took awhile before she was sent to a rehab to learn to walk and gain her strength back but then she fell off the bandwagon again and was sent back to the hospital. This time she was set up for a heart Cath procedure and during this the dye they used would cause her kidneys to shut down completely. So once again she was sent back to the ICU and in worse shape then the first time she was in there. They had her in there for a couple weeks and had decided dialysis was the only way she would live at this point. So here I am trying to be by my mom’s side and find work again to keep a roof over our heads but I was having it extremely hard. I’ve fallen behind and I’m now trying everything possible to be there for my mother thru all these health obstacles while trying to financially survive myself. I’ve lost 4 family members since Dec and 2 very close family friends as well. This has been the hardest time for me and I just want to be able to catch up again and pay off some of my debt to rebuild my credit and live comfortably while having a little time with my mother when I can. Family is very important to me and my mother was always there for me growing up as she raised us kids all by herself. As soon as I’m back on my feet again and have some extra money I plan to pay it forward once again. I know there has to be someone somewhere that has a heart like mine and I would be forever grateful for their help so I can recover from all of these financial burdens. In the event that my mom recovers and I can put everything back into work, I plan to get myself back up that ladder somehow and next time stay up! Thank you for taking the time to read my reasoning for needing so much help at the moment and may god bless you for helping those less fortunate. ~Nicole https://www.paypal.me/NicoleMenech