Two single moms with no deposit for a new place. We have applied for housing vouchers but haven’t been picked. And we’re surprised with a baby in February. My sister in law has 3 kids and I have a newborn that was a blessing in disguise. And it’s getting expensive and hard for us to collect the money for a deposit on a place to live. We will hopefully be able to handle the month to month, but coming up with the deposit has been impossible for us. We hate to have to ask for help, but we are struggling with finances and working so hard to get ahead but can’t seem to catch a break. My sister in law totaled my car, and with only liability and it was a hit and run. We hate to be on here asking for help, but what’s the worst that could happen?? Things can’t get much worse for our household. Down to one barely working truck and no place to call home is stressful! Hoping someone has some kindness left in their heart to help us out. God blessed us with a baby, but it has added more financially having to add another mouth to feed. Thank you and we appreciate all the help we can get. Please keep us in your prayers.