I have lost everything, including myself. After filing for divorce i am handed newspaper articles on how my husband premeditated the rape of his biological daughter. It is sickening. she was only 14 years old. We share a 12-year-old boy. I have been so violated but it is not considered a crime upon me. How do you tell your son his father is a monster.
During our marriage I was responsible for everything. The bread winner, the household, the farm, working full time, and our son. He was not an active participant in our lives,
My husband started drinking and using pain medications. He became an alcoholic ragger. Domestic Violence started because I informed him the marriage was over.
He tried every manipulation tactic to keep me home and married. Death threats, killing himself, stalking, blackmail, and holding me hostage in rooms for hours. When my safety and my son’s safety was at jeopardy, I obtained a contact protection order. He was removed from the home and ordered to pay the bills on the property. He has refused. His back child support has not been paid in 6 months. I have not received a dime from him in 14 months.
I have been ordered to pay the property mortgage, repairs, maintenance, horse care, and utilities. I also have the full financial responsibility of our son. I have a restraining order not allowing me to sell my own belongings to pay the bills here. He monitors my social media accounts and reports anything he does not like; I have been working 16-hour shifts to pay the bills and we are behind. My credit is trashed. I am also ordered to pay the monster spousal support. My attorney fees are up to 22 grand. Again, money I don’t have. How does a victim of domestic violence pay her abuser spousal support? How does this happen. I have been paying 100% of every responsibility since he left, and now spousal support is ordered on top of that. The abuse continues through his attorney and court system.
I am broken and suffering horrible PTSD and now my son is showing signs of inappropriate behavior. I was ordered to get counseling for both of us. Again, I don’t have the money. I pray to GOD my son will be ok.
We are on the verge of losing everything. My husband disconnected the electric because the bill was late, and it was in his name. It was 10 degrees outside, and I received a notice in the mail it will be turned off in 5 days. I had to change the account into my name. My father gave me some money to get caught up on the electric bill.
I am on my third lawyer due to the incompetence of the first two. Divorce paperwork not filed, letting my CPO expire, not filing contempt of court for failure to pay the bills, losing evidence, not turning my discovery in on time, not giving requested belongings back to my husband, failing to give itemized statements and so on.
I have written our local state legislature for help. I stated that it should be mandatory that anyone applying for a marriage license should be notified of a sexual predatory or anyone else convicted of a felony. I also requested there be exemptions to individuals who are requesting spousal support. Here is the list of exemptions: domestic violence, substance abuse, alcohol abuse, any kind of fraud, stealing money, credit fraud, and refusing to work. Spousal support was initially for the homemaker who raises the children.
I also asked for marriage based on fraud be annulled immediately and not just having a one-year time limit. Thank you for taking the time to read my story.
I would take any kind of help. Even if someone would help me lobby for changes in the Ohio divorce laws, attorney advice, monetary donations or free counselling for my son and I.