Hi my name is Tosin, am a single mother of two great kids, it’s been really difficult for us, writing this on it’s own is difficult as I do not want to be a burden, am currently unemployed still job hunting, however I do cleaning jobs for few friends and in return they give me few pounds here and there, I have and still job hunting.
My so call partner, who was previously supporting us, left us, the kids and I went out and returning, he was not home but I took it that he just went out and that he be back, hours passed and he did not return, called him no answer but he eventually called me back saying he’s not coming back, that I should take care of the kids, that I can do whatever I want with my life, (please bare in mind we had no argument or anything like that). So just like that he left myself and the kids, and left us with nothing before he left we was all sharing a flat with others, where each person contribute on all the bills and anything I get from my cleaning jobs I give to him to add with the bills.
Few days later, one of the guys living in the flat called me to move out that my partner has not contribute to the bills in months, by the looks of things he was not paying he’s part of the flat rent.
However I have seen a place to manage (shared) with my kids for now.
The school terms will soon reopen, so please I need donation to manage with my kids and to buy school bits for my boy.
Please I humbly ask any amount of donations will be appreciated, and your donation will go a long way, no amount is too small please.
I take this opportunity to thank you in advance.
God bless you.