I’m Silvana, a mother of two and a student. I’m living in Croatia with my two little children. I’m completing my third year of BA studies.
My elder is 3 years old and the younger just turned 1 year. Their father left us all of a sudden, so I have to figure out everything on my own, which is very overwhelming and difficult at the moment. I was not expecting to be a single parent or be in a situation where I have to fear if I can put food on the table, how would I pay the rent, etc. I had the right to childcare support from the government until recently, 1 year after giving birth, so from last month I’m not receiving any money.
In the last FOUR months, I was trying to enroll my children in kindergarten, but there is no place for babies under 1 year at all, and after that only if BOTH parents are working (legally the father also has the rights until a court decides differently) and there is a free place for the kid. Where we live there is not enough place in government kindergartens so I could only take them to private kindergarten which is very expensive. Due to my situation, I got promises from the kindergarten that the children will be accepted (at this moment there is no place for them), but not before the next school year, so from September. But until then I have to feed them, pay the rent, and pay the utilities. But I can not do that if I’m not working, and not earning money. But I have no place for my children so who will take care of them while I’m at work? I’m so confused and desperate because I want to work, I even have job offers but I can not start working until I organize the childcare for them in private kindergarten.
The children’s father left us, and I don’t have any family or support, I’m on my own with two little children and no money.
There is a kindergarten which would be a place for us but it costs 500 EUR/month for two children. The government kindergarten’s cost is about 100 EUR/month/child. In Croatia, the average salary is around 800 EUR. If I go to work and earn 800 EUR it wouldn’t be enough for rent (400EUR), utilities (100EUR), food, transport, and private kindergarten (500EUR).
I’m here asking good people who are willing to help, for money to pay for kindergarten until September, so I can go to work, as soon as possible. The amount I would need is 8×500 = 4000 EUR. That is the amount I need but ANY help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance.