I’ve never been one to borrow or beg, because simply before I had children I was able to have a stable job and a good financial career even if it was working minimum wage at the time. (For a woman without children this can make ends meet!~)
I started dating my girls father back in 2010 online (yes I know these places weren’t reliable back then; probably still aren’t.) and several years of this later in 2017 we decided to try to live together. By 2018 I was pregnant with my firstborn daughter Ara who finally came late in May. (Mind you at the time I’d been told by several doctors that I’d never have children of my own, and if I got pregnant the chances of a miscarriage were high, and if I managed to carry to term I would very likely die on the operating table..)
Everything was fine for the first two and a half years, and then I was having our second born who we named Lily and she was a complete surprise! That’s when life went downhill, as a newborn my youngest cried a lot and made a huge fuss every night when we settled down to sleep. This lead to my boyfriend kicking me out of my own bedroom and taking it over which I tried to overlook as him just needing sleep for his job. It got worse still when he began to abuse me and withhold finances and the ability to get or obtain food (many nights I went hungry five and almost six days in a row to make sure my daughters ate) I was determined to try to keep the peace because having food for my daughters and a roof over their heads meant more to me than whether I carried a few bumps, bruises, or missing teeth out of the encounter foolish I know.
Then he went completely off the rails and one day while I was correcting my eldest daughter 4 at the time for something she’d done, he comes barging in the room and attacks her, I did my best to get between them as he’s much taller than I am (only 5’3 and have a bad back) in which point he switched his focus and started hitting me. It was clear if this man ever loved me once he no longer did if ever, and it had seemed he was under the impression he was stuck here by commonlaw marriage. Well upon looking further into it this year he found he was under no actual obligation to us packed up his things, and promptly left the house leaving me with no job, no money, and no way to pay for bills or food for my girls. I’m currently asking for $5,000 dollars just to pay the bills off for a few months and to budget food while I’m scrambling to find a job nearby or even two in order to afford finances to properly take care of my girls.
I know there’s no way anyone would just willingly give that kind of money away so that’s why I’m here begging for donations that will likely mean the difference between whether I can take care of my daughters or whether I have to watch the state separate us to keep them from going hungry. These little girls are all I have left in this world, please I’ve never had to ask or beg for money before but everywhere I’ve tried to obtain an emergency loan has turned me away outright and I don’t know what else to do. I barely eat anymore to make sure my girls have (trying to stretch out canned food in the pantry for meager meals for them while pretending I’ve already eaten to keep them from feeling bad for me and refusing to eat as well is one of the most heartbreaking things I’ve ever had to do) and calling repeatedly my utility providers begging them for extensions on our bills because we’re experiencing a financial emergency only goes so far and the end of the line is coming all too fast…without help this time I know I’m going to lose them, and then what point is there in my even being on this world if I can’t be with my two daughters which were easily miracles. I’m a good mother, I’d do anything for my girls, even if it comes down to begging strangers online for help. If I can’t obtain enough money before the eleventh of May we’ll be out of food and on the streets please help me keep from having to tell my daughters that for their birthdays the only thing their mom can give them is a one way ticket to homelessness or being taken by the state..
This is the link to my paypal.me account for any generous soul out there who would be willing to help save my family from being ripped apart..