Hello everyone,
WE are a family of 3 ranging from ages 2 yr old Shasta, 6 yr old DavisĀ and 12 year old Brook.
He took everything from us after 14 yrs of mental and emotional abuse he put us out!!!!! and moved his 29 yr old lover and her 7 kids in….. We are sleeping in a friends garage until we can get some help to relocate back to California where we are from. HE NEVER LOVED ME and i know this now!! He had me isolated from everyone that loves me. He took my name off of everything…. the house that we bought together with our oldest daughter on her 7th birthday….:(
She is really taking this hard! He turned off our phones cleaned out our account and he had my car repossessed on 8/6/23… Knowing damn well i have to get my kids to school 12 miles away. I truly need to start over.. and I’m scared, I don’t have anyone.. All our friends turned their backs on me and they know that all this was going on!!!
I feel so flipping betrayed….
Disrespected and used.
He use to call me fat, ugly, tell me no one would ever love a pig like me. I was never allowed to buy new clothes, shoes, or get my hair done so I was never allowed to attend any of the corporate events. H would take the kids but never ME….