I’m a hard working Mom of two sons, my 17 yr old is a senior in high school, he has excellent grades Thank God, he’s looking for a part time job to help pay for his senior activities & my oldest son is 20 he’s a high school graduate attending junior college he’s not really sure what his major is, but he also works to take care of his own responsibilities such as his car he financed on his own that I share with him after my car broke down and I had to sell it, also my oldest helps with our utilities, we live in California with our 5 year old Pitbull name Blu, she has allergies and her ear drops are expensive. I’ve been taking care of my sons on my own since my oldest was 11 yrs old and my youngest was 4, there Dad kept in contact with them and sometimes he shows up to games or pick them up for breakfast or lunch, but it’s not that often, so I’ve been making sure bills, rent, groceries have been taken care for a while, and on top of that we live in California, I’ve always tried my best I’ve borrowed from family members, but I’ve paid them all back not one cent owed out to families, because that’s when they don’t want to help you anymore when you owe them so I’ve steered away from asking my extended family for help, I just don’t like the feeling of owing people I have to face often, but as far as my immediate family well they have been passed away for a while now, so I’ve always had to manage on my own, a little history about my immediate family that I loved so much and was so close to passed away one by one, my Dad passed when I was 12yrs old from pancreatic cancer, years later my eldest brother was murdered when I was 16 yrs old in our front yard, years later my mom passed from a heart attack when I was 23 yrs old, years later my other older brother passed from respiratory failure, and a few years later my older sister had a massive stroke, Thank God she’s still living but she’s paralyzed on her left side, and lost most of her memory, it’s been tough and I miss all of them everyday but God has kept me here alive and well to continue on with their legacy I just want to make them proud of me and my sons, but I’ve always had financial challenges, even though I work hard at one period I thought my financial problems were over when our company asked us to work tons of overtime so much so I was working 7days a week 13.5 hrs a day, I was tired but I was climbing my way out of debt and I was so happy and thankful to God for the opportunity to work my way out of financial ruin, so I invested in my own business selling medical apparel (scrubs) online and in person, I took my hard earned money and invested $15,000 for a professional website, business cards, logo, and inventory, the person I purchased the business package from says they’re so easy to sell, just call up hospitals and set up shop at their facilities and sell, and post about your merchandise on all social media platforms and your scrubs will sell, I didn’t doubt that they would sell, and I was so excited thinking yes this my way to financial freedom, but I was also working full time and not to mention I do not work in the medical field I’m a public service worker, so I didn’t take into consideration the time & money it took to promote & market my brand, the cost of inventory and the huge amount it cost for mentorship in this specific niche, my biggest mistake was starting this business with no savings to fall back on and plus I push all my bills to the side to invest, now I’m further in debt, struggling to pay the minimum due on my credit cards, all my bills are passed due, zero savings my accounts are overdrawn, no I have this inventory I’m trying to figure how to sell, and I’m looking for a part time job that I can work around my full time job, just to pay off all this debt, I know is my fault for jumping in too soon, but I thought I had to start the business right away before our overtime gets cut and I no longer have that extra money to keep me and my sons a float, well sad to say all of our overtime was recently cut except for a few hours during the week, so now I’m back to square zero and not to mention my credit tanked due to a low 430 due to my income coming up short I’m really in a bind, and I just need some very kind hearted people out there help start over fresh and I vow to order my steps and research and come up with a business plan first before I make anymore sudden moves, I need strategies to learn and grow by business, but my debt is so bad right now all I can think about is get my credit cards paid off, personal loans over $8000, I took out payday loans, and I pawned all my jewelry for gas and groceries, I financed my couch, because I didn’t have all the money up front and I financed my bed because I was sleeping on the floor for the 1st year we moved from a one bed room to a 3 bedroom and now my rent is doubled and I’m behind on my rent now, because my account was so severely overdrawn my rent payment returned, and as I stated before I have no car, because I don’t even have room in my budget to save up for and my credit is so bad I can’t even get financed, my son is gracious enough to share his car with me temporarily, so if anyone out there can find kindness in their hearts to donate to a hardworking mom who just need a fresh start to clean up her debt and get her business on track so I can build a legacy for my amazing sons in the name of my passed love ones I would truly appreciate it tremendously!! and I pray God would blessed you abundantly 10 times fold forevermore for helping us🩷 I’m asking to help me raise $85,000 to help me out of all my debt including student loans, and purchasing a reliable transportation, I thank you for reading this cry out for help. Bless you tremendously with an abundance of Love, health and prosperity🩷❤️
~Shannon Holland