I am writing to you to ask for financial assistance of $7750usd. I am in need of this money to pay off all my debts. I left the toxic marriage that l was in last year after. l was 5 months pregnant when l left and now I have 3 kids under 5 and unable to work. I am a radiology technician by profession but l have had to put my career on hold so l can look after my children. I’m now trying to sort out my finances.
I am owing council tax $187.49, electricity bill $814.59, credit card 1,092.58, loan for hospital bill $2,540, universal credit loan 1,034.40, virgin internet $258.62, cousin loan $775.81 and lastly friends loan $1040.
I am barely surviving, as a single mum of 3 under five and l have nothing left over to save every month from my current income. My family are not in a position to help because of the cultural shame i have brought to them by leaving the marriage that was not serving me.
your help will go a long way in relieving me off the pressure and stress of constantly thinking how i am going to clear my debts. your assistance will also allow me to focus on raising my babies and my healing. thank you for reading.