Hello kind souls. I am a single mother who left an abusive relationship and my credit scores have suffered. I’ve worked with credit karma and made some progress but an emergency loan I took out last year has proven to be a nightmare for me. The interest is ridiculous to the point that my payments of $180 every other week have not made a dent in it. I didn’t read the fine print when I took the loan, I was desperate. My payments are paying the interest with only a few bucks going to the principle. The loan was for $2,000 and after paying on it for a year it is now $1,900-something. I need to get this loan off of my back so I can pay off credit cards and pay off my car. My total debt is around $15,000. I am working on raising my credit score to buy a home. Any help from you would be an answered prayer, seriously, and if you can’t help me, that’s okay too. Send me positive energy, prayers, and well wishes. I know all things work out for the best in the end.
I have another post on here about my dream of opening a healing retreat, if I can get my credit scores in order I can buy that home and property with a first time buyer’s deal, I think. First things first, I have to get my credit in order.
Thank you for taking the time to look at this and I wish you love.