Hi im a single father of 2 just these past two years have been hard on me and my kids with there mother cheating drugging me and many other things me and my kids moved forward i legitimated them and got full custody the mother has made it her job to not be found for child support and she hasn’t even sent sock . but 3 moths ago i was pulled over going to a neighboring county where my mom lives with my kids i was pulled over harassed and assaulted by police which 3 days later after released it was mistaken identity the women who id me later said it was her boyfriend. my truck was towed and it took me 3 weeks to find it because they called a private tow company and the police knew i would pay a high storage rate when i found it my fee was 1200. i tired everything even gave them 200 i have 8 day or they told me they will crush it never had a father figure in my life so my uncle was before he passed he left me this truck that all i have of him. the police department don’t care lawyers said get a loan im broke cause of mistaken identity and no truck to work i own a furniture assembly company but cant work with my truck. if u could find it in your heart to help us and get us back on our feet i will do everything in my power to pay it back.