Hello, thank you for taking the time to read this. I am a 29-year-old father of two. This request is more to help me help others in my family, I have fallen into a situation where I have become the care taker for four of my elderly relatives due to the fact no one else in the family is willing to assist. In fact, one of them was left on the floor of her home by the people who were supposed to be taking care of her. As well as my two young children. I am currently working 70–80 hour weeks depending on overtime doing highway labor but I cannot bring in enough to support everyone and take one the medical expenses involved with the relatives. I also cannot find enough spare time to take on much side work to make a difference. So here I am asking for any assistance you may be willing to give.
The combined medical debt/expense total is standing at $177,263.00 at the current moment. some of these expenses include required procedures that are on hold until I can come up with the money. This number was put together based off current owed debt and cost estimate on upcoming procedures. Two of them are limited mobility and I am hoping to find home assistance soon at an affordable rate, however this has been difficult.
And I understand it seems I may have taken on more than I can handle as I keep getting told by most when I tell them my situation. But we can’t just leave people when they need us especially family and especially those who have aged, sacrificed, given life and support to so many others in their time on this earth.
I am not sure what else to do besides turn to others for help, I have exhausted any and all options I can currently see in front of me, and I really don’t know what to do beyond this at this point. If you decide to support me, know I will truly appreciate this and will continue to support others as I am now.
Thank you for taking the time to consider helping me, and if not me the fact you are here as a donor and are considering helping someone on this site will be a blessing. No one wants to be in the position of asking for help like this and I truly wish there were better ways for folks to support each other out there. Thank you.