It’s all or nothing I dunno what to do, I’m a full time single father who has to provide for 2, I work full time and being a parent is all I do, so how to make all this happen i havent got a clue, I need a helping hand just to maybe get ahead, so my children don’t go hungry and continue to have beds, I spend all my time trying there’s no time for any rest, but I still come up short i feel like I’m falling and there’s no net, failures not an option tho I’m all that my kids have, everything I do is for them so I can’t let things go bad, every step that I take is to.make sure of that, but things aren’t looking so good the futures actually looking really bad, its for real all or nothing, If i dont make it all happen then we’ll have nothing and I can’t let that happen, I try my hardest but I’m bymyself on all this so its hard and even tho I feel like I gotta try harder and i gotta do better in reality im trying to make the impossible happen everyday so of course I’m not gonna be able to on my own and as much as I hate to say that it’s true…. I need help, I’m lost, they’re the most important thing in my world so I cannot fail them