Need 60k to help with growing debt after hurricane Idalia. I have also asked for help on other sites.
Here is my story.
I had a rental house in Florida that provided supplemental income and helped a lot after losing business during covid. It was hit by Hurricane Idalia in Suwannee 32692. Took 6 ft of water inside. Moved son to new school from CO to FL to rebuild house. We kept getting respiratory infections but pushed through alone with a little help from son. It was a bonding experience for us. Heartbreaking to watch him suffer which inspired me every day. No electricity, water, mud bugs, hot summer, mold, long drive to school every day. Just a war zone. No flood insurance due to being built too low and FEMA rejected claim. Used all my savings to rebuild and maxed out some 0 interest cards which are coming due few months. My sons mother left us middle of the night after 1 week and went back to CO home. Came home 4 months later to destroyed house again which was so bad could not even sleep in beds. Trash, mold again, clutter, I could not figure out what happened but she was gone. Took 3 months to repair and clean this house while raising son school etc. She was gone but not before wrecking my car and taking what little money I had left.
Instead of the IRS helping with the house they sent me an assessment for 36k back taxes on incorrectly filed 21 taxes on money I cashed out of retirement to buy the FL house. Accountant left the country and never filed an amendment. Still hanging waiting for his return.
Just need to catch up with this stressful event. This is taking a toll on my son although he hides his difficulty for me I need to work but full time raising my 10yo son. Just now getting to the point I can breath again and have ideas on a new business or how to restart my old one but funds are all spoken for before I can get orientated. Taxes, Insurance groceries, gas has all sky rocketed. I used to be positive each month and now negative. I can overcome with time but I am not young, 1969, and lack drive. I have done it before can do it again. Just has beaten me down I guess. Mom Dad died over covid and recently left everything to inlaws due to my interracial relationship. Piling up irs and soon to be credit card fees interest etc.
30k in credit card debt with 36k more more now in IRS back taxes which may be amended down to 25k due to some solar carryover. I came from very poor family and pulled up from horrible conditions. I can do this but I worry about how much it will take from my son. I had no child before and dedicated every minute to success. Cant stay with his mother. Something is wrong with her ability to be calm and rational.