I am a 46-year-old father and I live in Mexico. I need financial help to pay financial debts that have been increasing over the years due to the situation in which we have been living. My wife passed away, she got leukemia, leaving me with my 2 daughters, one 2 years old and the other 4 years old. I have been suffering a lot from the loss of my wife and in order to live without having financial problems I have requested loans that have been increasing and that increased even more with the death of my father who gave him cancer and 2 years later my mother got a brain tumor, 3 years later my mother also died.
I have suffered a lot from the death of my wife and my parents, the only thing I have left are my daughters. More than 15 years have passed and my debts have increased. I need help to pay all my financial debts so that my daughters can live their lives without having financial problems. My health is getting worse, I’m getting thinner and stressed from just working to pay off debt. I need to settle my debts totaling $50,000 USD thousand dollars.
I don’t have a house, I’m renting and I work all night so I can have a little more money, but my health doesn’t let me work, I’m already sick, my arm hurts, my heart hurts and I already have vitiligo due to a lot of stress. I don’t want to have a heart attack and leave my daughters alone. I hope you can help me settle my debts and that I can buy a house so my daughters can live. I hope someone believes in my problems and can help me financially. You can investigate me here in Mexico and you will discover that I owe a lot of money to companies and people who help me financially and that I cannot pay them. My name is JULIO CESAR MATEOS ROMERO. I am a family man and widower alone with 2 daughters. Help me financially before I die from some deadly disease.
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