Hi, I am a 51 yr. old guy, married for 21 years, father of 2 lovely children, my daughter who is 13 years and my unstoppable son of 6yrs, at the beginning of our marriage my wife and I receive the news from the Doctors that we wouldn’t be able to have children the regular way, so at the time, the savings we had, around 35,000 dlls., were used to pay different procedures to be able to conceive, from inseminations, all the way to icsi processes, after a couple of stressful years, we where not able to make it, our savings were depleted, so we decided to live with that, we almost got divorced due to this, but decided to keep fighting for us, luckily this paid off, as God finally decided to give us the chance after 7 yrs of marriage of sending us our first child, my lovely daughter, and 7 yrs later our lovely son, so finally things started to get getting as we planned, we continue saving during this years, and just before the COVID pandemic I decided to invest our savings (around 45,000 dlls) in an investment scheme that looked great at the moment, but ended being a fraud (don’t know if anyone recalled Xifra), so after losing our savings and COVID hitting and having reduced working hours, I had to start asking form loans just to keep afloat during those 2 years, at this point I am over 80,000 dlls in debt, and barely making it to the end of the week pay check, and I don’t see a way of getting out of this sink hole without some help, in my 52 years, is the first time I ask for help, as I have always find a way to get me out of any issue, but at this point I don’t know how, that is why I decided to post my history here and hope that I can get some help to get out of this hole and be able to start fresh again and give my family a good home and my children the education they deserve, as I know that is the only thing I will be able to leave them when I am not longer here. Thanks in advance for reading me, and have a wonderful and blessed life.