I came to you today to ask for your HELP. I have so much to say but don’t know what to say or should I say, I don’t know where to start. I came across this platform as I was searching for some type of assistance. The title of this letter is a living fact. I started to have headaches a few weeks ago that would last for days, and I didn’t know why. Someone said, well maybe it’s your blood pressure. So, I had it checked and no it was not my blood pressure. Meanwhile, I continue to have these headaches. Come to find out the headaches are stress related. I’m saying to myself stress. I’m a single mom of 4. If you are a parent, then you know what I mean. I have never. Well, I guess that’s why they say never say never. I have been stressed and in a bind before. You know, having the borrow from Peter to pay Paul as the saying goes. But never this bad. At the beginning of the year if you had asked. I would have said I’m good. I got a raise at work and a little hustle on the side so, I thought ok, things will get better from here. But NO. About two months ago my hours were cut, and there goes the effect of the raise. To top it off I lost the little side hustle that brought in extra money.
After that, it started with having to wait until a later date to pay a bill or two, to not being able to pay the small bills at all and saving the money for the larger bills which are rent and the car note. Now as I mentioned before, I have gotten behind, but I got myself out of it. But this time is different. I have been trying to catch up to no avail. I could not pay the rent on time this month and literally on the 12th they posted a three-day final notice letter on the door. As if I was behind on rent. I must tell you that hurt. I am depleted mentally and financially. I gathered my last and was able to pay the rent today which was more than I expected because I forgot about the late fee. So instead of $1,836, it was $50 more. I screamed as I was putting the money in “I was going to put what I had left over on a utility bill”.
Asking for help is a hard thing to do for me. As I type all I can hear is the voice in my head saying, WHAT ARE YOU DOING? DON’T SUBMIT THIS. I hear this because I am not one that would ask for help. As my heart beats faster and faster. I lay down my pride and ask for your help. I still need to pay my car note and the utilities for this month and if you find it in your heart to help me get ahead for September as I look for additional employment, I would greatly appreciate it. I have added the link below. We are grateful for whatever amount you choose to help us with.
Thank you for your consideration
With a heavy heart
P.S.: My link also shows a picture of my side hustle. I make beautiful gift baskets.