You want my story? Grab something to drink, maybe a snack and get comfortable! I have a book! :)
I am 58 years old, and this is not how I expected my life to be: Begging money from strangers, but here I am! Doing just exactly that! Begging money from strangers! Airing my dirty laundry! Telling my secrets! Exposing my personal life for the world to see and to judge! Desperate times call for desperate measures and believe me, I know that there are people out there that are in much worse scenarios than I am, but to me, this is devastating, and I am terrified of what the future holds!
My husband is 63 years old and is a truck driver. He has been in this line of work for over 30 years, and it is finally taking a toll on his body, mind and soul. Two weeks ago, he came home, sick. Chest congestion, not able to breathe properly, swollen legs, coughing…all the signs of congestive heart failure, again. He was also complaining that his shoulders hurt, and he can’t lift his arms up over his head anymore. I attribute it to his age, but when a grown man cries while trying to reach something on the top shelf of the kitchen cabinet, it is more than just age.
We are now in week two of him being off work. What does that mean? Well, let me back up just a tad and tell you that I am not working because of Rheumatoid Arthritis, crippling arthritis, spinal stenosis, ruptured discs and I need a hip replacement. I stopped working 6 weeks ago and I am awaiting the verdict on disability, though that could take months! I currently receive unemployment, but it isn’t enough to keep a bird alive! With all that being said, no money means a lot of things are changing or are about to change and not for the good either!
I woke up this morning to a message from my bank stating that my account was overdrawn by nearly $250! What? Why would you let a bill go through when you see that there was no money in my account to begin with? Banks! Then I get a phone call telling me that if I don’t pay a CC bill by next Friday, my car will be repossessed because they are attached to one another through the credit union. I am on the shut off list with utilities and cell phone! My dogs need to go to the vet and are on their last bags of food, however, I will starve before I let them go without! Afterall, this is not their fault, and they did not ask to be a part of my family! Rent is coming due in two weeks and I have insurance to pay and little bills that always seem to pop up when least expected!
Now this is where the story gets really good!! I reached out to my sister for help! My full blooded, 100% sister, who has helped me in the past! Who has been there for me for big things and little things!! I asked her for help and was told that this was KARMA and her answer was NO! Karma? Karma for what? I am a good person! My husband works hard to support us and we are both very giving people! So, tell me how Karma comes into play in this situation!? She brings up something that happened over 25 years ago!! A quarter of a century ago and she is throwing it up in my face again! I mean, I didn’t throw up the fact that she stole from our Mom who had dementia, living in a nursing home and I didn’t bring up the fact that she was forging my Mom’s name on checks to pay for bills or that she got several different credit cards in my Mom’s name without her knowing about it! I mean, if Karma is going to strike someone, it isn’t going to be me!! Right? So, she blocks me, reports me to FB for responding to her message and has my ability to message people revoked for a bit and then, she messages my husband and “tattles” on me like he is going to ground me to my room or something! I am 58 years old!! She is 66!! My goodness!!
Whew…so with all that being said, I am asking for help with my rent! I am asking for financial help with anything that you can find in your heart to help us with! We have $3002 in bills that are due by April 5th. If I don’t pay the rent, we get evicted and I will not only lose everything that I have, which isn’t much, but I will also lose my two dogs, Boo and Henry Bojangles! These guys, again, don’t deserve any of this!! My husband is talking about panhandling to get money! I can’t let that happen!! He’s too old and not in the best of health to be standing on a corner, begging for money!
If you can find it in your hearts to help us out, we would so appreciate it! As I stated above, we need 3K for April’s bills and I am literally begging anyone and everyone for help! I am exposing my personal life for all to see! I am desperate!! Please, please, please find it in your hearts to donate! We will pay it forward, PROMISE but we just need help now and quickly!! Anything helps! :)
Thank you all for your time and for reading this! It is appreciated!!