To whom it may concern,
I am writing to share my current situation and to seek your help in getting me out of this month’s debt. I am currently facing a debt for this month of around $5-6,000 and I have searched for other sources of assistance only to find myself coming up short. I am a truck driver who’s in between driving jobs. My last employer lost a few accounts with the containers and loads to the ports causing a dramatic decrease in my pay. This in case caused my bills to fall behind and cause my bank account to fall into the negative status.
I took out payday loans just to take care of the more important things, but that was for last month and a new month has quickly come around and now I owe them. I won’t start my new job until another week or so. This has also led to credit card debt as I must purchase gas and food. I am currently living the phrase,” Robbing Peter to pay Paul.”, and the stress of trying to balance my financial situation is taking a toll on me.
I am asking for a one-time relief fund of $5-6,000 to help with this month’s rent, utilities, food, loans and a peace of mind.
Yes, I am married, and I am the bread winner of my household. Sadly, to say that my wife’s job can only pay so much due to the cut of overtime and bonus that she would usually receive. Like I mentioned before, I do have another job lined out but I’m sure that my first check will be at least a week in the hole. It’s been a challenge to make ends meet and I am trying to find ways to get things back on track.
Please note that I am not asking for a crutch, just a little help. If there is anyone out there willing to help me out this one time, I praise God for you. Thank you in advance for your time, consideration, and contribution/s.