I would humbly like to thank you in advance for taking this time to read my request. I hope this letter finds you in good spirits.
My name is Tiffany and I’m a mother of 4 and I’m requesting financial assistance with paying my rent arrears. I’ve sat down many time try to figure out where to begin, so I’ll start here. For 13 years, from 2008-2021 I was trying to get help for my eldest son who was suffering from schizophrenia/depression disorders. He was 16 when I noticed changes in his behavior. He started getting in trouble in school and at home which had never been an issue with him. Thinking it was the environment and bad influences, I moved from Brooklyn NY to Buffalo NY just to have things get worse. He began to run away and smoke weed, so i decided to move back to Brooklyn this way I’d have some family support. That was in 2008. I was trying hard to get him help before he turn 18 because at that point I would no longer have any say in him receiving treatment because he would have become an adult. I went to the courts, hospitals and I must have called 911 on my child between 20- 30 times just to have him force to take his medication. The repeated cycle of him going in and out of the hospital went on for 13 years. Unfortunately, the way the law works is that as longer as he’s not a danger to himself or others they can’t force him into treatment and he had been refusing to sign the HIPPA form I need to even speak with his doctors.
The last time i saw my son alive was right before Halloween 2021, where finally sign the HIPPA form as he sat on the floor in the hallway of my apartment building as we waited for EMS to arrive because He asked me to call them this time. I hugged and kissed my son and he walked away to go to the hospital for psych. He was keep for a few hours and released with an outpatient appointment for the hundredth time.
I began hearing that my son was being seen begging in the streets and i would walk around looking for him but couldn’t find him, then i found out that he had a warrant for not showing up at the appointment after receiving a call from the social worker at the hospital. She and i stayed in contact. I would call her whenever i heard he was seen in my neighborhood. I missed him on my birthday. He stopped my apartment while I was at work and left nail polish and eyelashes on my bed for me. That was December 1 2021, on December 7 2021 I received a call while at work from the medical examiner telling me that my son was deceased. He had suffered from hypothermia and was found in an alley way in Harlem. The very worst day of my life.
I had to bury my eldest child, he was 30 years old with 3 daughters, Even though he was ill he still would go visit them. His oldest is 13 and she misses him dearly.
He didn’t have any life insurance so I had to burrow money from friends and family. I make $15.90 an hour and really didn’t have the means to pay the money back without other bills being affected, like my rent for example, I owe $9,000 in rent arrears, I haven’t been able to catch up. I work paycheck to paycheck so by the time I pay rent for the month plus an extra $200 per agreement I made with the management office, I’m basically left with no money for much else. I had plans to start a small business. I crochet and sew but I never have the funds. I’m stressed and just seeking peace of mind. Please help. Any and everything is appreciated. Thanks again for your time and have an amazing day. Tiffany