Dear Kind Reader,
I hope this message finds you well. I thank you for taking the time to read my message and to please, at the least, hear me out as I present my desperate plea for help.
I am writing to you in a time of great distress and crisis due to being laid off from my job this past November coupled with my ongoing struggle with mental health disorders as I no longer have health coverage (bipolar I, OCD, and severe panic disorder). The challenges I am facing have significantly impacted my ability to maintain stability in various aspects of my life, including my financial situation.
I am reaching out to humbly request immediate assistance with my rent payment.
Currently, I am working as a delivery driver for Uber and Doordash.
There is a common misconception that delivery drivers are somehow less intelligent or lacking a strong work ethic. However, I have a BFA from a prestigious university and a background working in healthcare.
I am a healthcare hero. When Covid-19 hit, I was on the front lines.
I was an essential worker, going to work, working overtime, putting my health at risk to provide care for strangers with very low to nearly zero health literacy.
I was not sitting comfortably at home complaining of quarantine.
I was laid off from my job in November, but having just moved from one state to another, I do not qualify for unemployment benefits in the state I reside because I have not established the required amount of time living in said state to receive benefits. I was devastated as my case worker explained this to me over the phone. I was denied any assistance.
I am now out delivering from 6AM-2:00AM and that is not an exaggeration by any means. I am doing everything in my power to generate income but I am drowning. I have poor credit. Student Loan Debt. I have no assets. I have no collateral. I have no emergency fund. I am single. Friends have not come to my aid as I am now estranged from most of them d/t my mental health disorders. And my family will not help me, having disowned me many many years ago when I made it known that I was a member of the LGBTQ community.
I have no one to lean on.
I am hopeful that, in my time of need, you may be able to extend a helping hand. Your assistance could make a significant difference in preventing homelessness and providing me with the support needed to navigate through this challenging period. I will overcome.
I am more than willing to provide any documentation or information necessary to verify my situation. Please consider my request with urgency, as the impending due date is causing immense stress and exacerbating my mental health struggles.
Thank you and God Bless
My cash app handle is $innovativestrategy