Good afternoon,
This isn’t an easy thing for me to do but here goes… I need assistance with my rent for the month of August and/or September.
I am the custodial parent of an 11 year old son who is on the autism spectrum, has ADHD and is in special education. I am grateful to have a full time job and that his father does the mandated state minimum. A majority of the year, I am just fine and normally manage. The summer is where the hiccup comes in due to increase cost in childcare (he has to be there all day), the increase in the electric bill (there have been 20 straight days of being above 100 degrees and my area has been above 80 degrees for 365 hours straight) and back to school. Since I am employed full time, I am not eligible for some of the programs that are out there that would normally assist those in need such as this(even with a child that is special needs). I have looked into the possibility of loans but with the extremely high interest rate, I know that would make my financial situation worse.
The apartment complex is going to accept late August rent until 5pm CST on Saturday, August 19, 2023 (my late August rent is 1480.91). After that, they will want both August and September (the total which is 2831.73). If I were to get both months paid, that would allow me to use those funds to get fully caught up and be on track to end the year on a good financial note. Thank you for taking the time out to read this and thinking about helping my son and I out.