Hello Hello, I have so many issues its hard to begin. I have been working my entire life. I worked in the mortgage industry until November 2021. My company closed the branches I worked for and gave me a 1 month severance pay. I applied for unemployment and was frantically looking for another job in my industry. The mortgage industry took a hit because of the rising interest rates. I didn’t get one reply from any banks or mortgage companies so I started applying for anything I thought I could do. I got no hits on employment. I could not afford my house anymore and lost it. My states rental assistance is a joke. We applied and did not not here from them for 6 months after repeated emails and phone calls. They finally replied and said they are no longer giving residents assistance. The state The rent here was way more expensive but I had to have somewhere to live. They are all over priced where I live. I do not live were there is public transportation and I could not afford to keep my car. So now I have no transportation. My unemployment ran out in April 2022. I had to use credit cards to survive. Of course I could not pay them now my credit is horrible. To make matters worse. My Dad who takes care of my mother who has Alzheimer’s had a diabetic seizure last Friday. They live one state over. The ambulance took him to the hospital which you would think he would be in good care. They did not have him on a fall precaution knowing he was confused from the seizure. He tried to get out of the bed to go to the restroom not realizing he had a catheter. He fell and broke his hip. Then they did not have compression leg sleeves so he developed a clot in his lungs. I am not able to go there to be with him and look over him as he is helpless pending hip surgery. My mother has been safely taken to a family friend but I need to be able to pick her up as well. I need to at least rent a vehicle to stay there until after his surgery and bring them back here until he gets better possible long term. I don’t want to bring them and I am not sure if we will have a roof over our heads as I need rent money. I need to rent a vehicle, we can sleep in the hospital until he gets out I guess. I need to call and ask them. Not sure if I will be able to keep my Mom in the hospital that long because she has Alzheimer’s she might become agitated. I ask for anything you can give. What ever you give is greatly appreciated how much you give is up to you.
Also please keep us in your prayers.
Thank you