Hello and thank you for reading my post.
I am a retired 74 year old and I live primarily off of social security. In September of 2021 my oldest son contacted me and told me that he and his wife wanted me to move to Texas and live with them. For an entire year we discussed the move and I was told that they had a room for me and they were looking forward to having me in the home with them. Fast forward to September 2022, my daughter helped me pack up all of my belongings in Oregon. My son flew in and he and I drove to Texas. When my son arrived he demanded to my daughter that he get a copy of my will. I have very little but my daughter had insisted that I create a will. My daughter was very upset when my son arrived and demanded to see the will because he was very aggressive and rude toward her. Regardless my son was provided with a copy of the will. When we arrived in Texas my son became very hostile toward me and told me that I was not allowed to leave my bedroom. My daughter-in-law wanted to discuss my will with me and told me that it was not a valid will and it would need to be amended to ensure any of my property was willed to her and my son. After 2 weeks my son and his wife told me that it was not going to work out for me to live with them after all. They told me they had found me a place to move to in another town in Texas. I felt scared and very alone and I chose not to tell my daughter because I was embarrassed and did not want to burden her with this issue. My son and his wife took me to a town called Sulfur Springs, Texas and dropped me off at a low income housing that I was eligible to move into. And then I never saw them again. I then had to furnish the apartment. This resulted in me using credit cards and I am now in credit card debt of over $15,000. The credit debt is not just home furnishing purchases I had to furnish the kitchen, bathroom, bedroom and I also used to pay my $750/ month rent that I could not afford. After a few months went by I confessed to my daughter that her brother had told me that I was not going to live with them after all. My daughter was frustrated that I had not told her immediately as she said that she would have come and brought me back to Oregon. In August of 2023 my daughter flew to Sulfur Springs, packed up my apartment, rented a U-haul and drove me back to Oregon. I now live with my daughter who pays all of the household bills and rent. My daughter is barely making it and I feel so guilty that I cannot help her due to my credit card debt.
I would be so grateful for any help if anyone feels compelled to assist.
Thank you again for reading my post.