My mom passed away on may the 4th of 2023. I didn’t realize how sick she was. She didn’t tell me or my brother I guess she didn’t want to scare us. I went to go visit her in a rehabilitation center a week or two before she passed. She was telling me she wanted to stay there for 3 months and I didn’t understand why she wanted to stay there for 3 months and a week later she passed. She was already in the hospital for a almost a month and they transferred her over to the rehabilitation center at the end of April. I was at work when I got the news of her passing we shut the restaurant down for the night. My coworkers hugged me and gave me there condolences. For the last 3 months I lost sense of myself, time etc. I fell behind on bills and rent I was in a daze to say the least I honestly don’t remember the last 3 months. To cope with this hurt right now I found myself in this program (BYFA) through John Hopkins for video editing and I have been learning music engineering and taking it serious. I want to take this somewhere far. I’m asking for $10,000 to help me pay the bills and rent. I want to get a small office space to start a studio. I want to be completely honest in what I am doing with some else’s money.$wassabisauce