I turn 25 this year, have a Bachelor’s degree in biology, the best job I have ever had, and yet I am still struggling to keep myself afloat financially. After a car accident in February 2023 and a long fight with bad insurance, I completely drained my $4,000 savings and was left with a new increased car payment. A year later, I am still facing the consequences of this financial upset, and haven’t been able to keep more than a couple hundred in my savings account at any given time.
In the past year, I have accumulated almost $10,000 in debt (credit and personal loans) to keep up with all my bills. I live in an area where my field of biology (animal science and conservation) is not well funded and supported, so finding a well-paying job in my field is difficult. So, I currently work as a catering coordinator which pays me well in comparison to my past jobs, but I am still living paycheck to paycheck as 90% of my income goes straight to bills, groceries, and my pets.
I was splitting $1,900 in rent with a friend, who had a personal emergency and had to return home with her mom, and I have been paying that rent on my own for almost half a year now. I am fortunate enough to be moving to a more sustainable living situation now, but I am stuck unable to pay my last month’s rent at this old apartment, as I prioritized the bills for my new rental this month.
I am in a position where I am trying my hardest to just get back on the right track and improve my life and well-being. I even feel like I can nearly see the light at the end of this tunnel as I find ways to stretch my dollars and earn a little side cash here and there. I am just looking to receive a small push to help me over these last few humps on my road to financial freedom. I know nearly every young person is feeling the weight of the economy right now, and I certainly do not even have it the worst. I am simply in a place where any amount of help would be a blessing, especially being able to meet my final rent fee at my old apartment so I can put that stressor behind me once and for all.
I am just trying to find a bit of footing in this economy to be able to grow in my career, and my personal life, and hopefully begin saving to go back to school again (I dream of getting a Doctorate in Animal Conservation). I am immensely grateful to have this opportunity to reach out to such giving people. Thank you!