This is quite embarrassing for me since, I’m the one who is always helping everyone and now this. What happened was me, my daughter and her boyfriend decided to go into business together a trucking business. I purchased my truck and trailer and I began to work with them under his MC and Authority. To make this story short. I worked with them and never got paid. Now some of this is my fault for not preparing and having enough capital in the event something like this does happen.
Moving along, so I decided to try to do the business myself , I got my MC and Authority, I was actually working with my ex, the biggest mistake of all. So we started working, he did not want to go on runs most of the time and when we did the trips where just chaotic, to make this story short. I accepted a load dropped off the load and on the way back home the truck broke down, mind you we are almost 2000 miles away from home. Luckily we were able to get towed to a storage facility. Where my truck and trailer are, the truck is garbage however, I need my trailer because the trailer is not paid for that’s not the end of this nightmare. My ex and I decided to buy another older model truck to at least go back to get the trailer. This truck does not have the hitch, so we tried to get the hitch put on (that was a disaster). Ultimately he and I broke up due his infidelity and control issues.
My problem now is I am trying to find a job so I can at least pay my bills. I have gotten on government assistance, however they only help with food. I had an interview today and it went pretty well. I am scheduled for my second interview on Monday. I just need some help with my rent and utilities. I have not paid my rent because I do not have any money. My rent is $1300.00 per month, I just need a little help until I get a job and get back on my feet. If I can get at least 3000.00 that will at least give me a month to find a job.
I have used the majority of my credit cards, I am not trying to go to far in debt. So whatever help is out there it will much appreciated.