To whom ever decides to read this:
Hello. My name is Bryant. Unfortunately, for me, thirty or so years ago, I had a number of opportunities to be very good financially into my golden years. But, as it would happen, though, I squandered my opportunities to be ‘financially independent’, as the saying goes. That is why I, too, as others before me have, lament: “If only I knew then, what I know now!” But, alas, that is not the way life goes. Life is linear in motion, only moving in a forward stream, uninterrupted, and unchangeable.
Be that as it may, life went on, and I grew up, becoming an older adult with an okay head on my shoulders (in my humble opinion). But, even as an older, level-headed adult, I didn’t make the best employment and/or financial decisions. And because of that, I have had to take low-paying, minimum wage jobs, having, at one time, three such simultaneously. I had to do what I had to do, to keep that ‘cheddar, (dinero, greenbacks, money) flowing lovely’.
Therefore, in this present day, how do we come to my asking for money from anonymous strangers? Well, thirteen years ago, I decided to become a married man. Fast forward twelve years into the marriage, and since she was of retirement age, my wife decided to retire. This left me as the breadwinner, being responsible for the great majority of the bills. As I had two full-time jobs at the time, I was able to cover my portion of the bills comfortably. This included two big financial emergencies thar occurred, making sure food was plentiful, keeping the life insurance policy going, and keeping the checking account in order.
Fast forward to the present year, 2023, and I find myself in the unfortunate predicament of one of my full-time jobs being slashed in half this past June (the picture I included shows 3 days for Bryant Worley, which is down from the 6 that I had) costing me $1,100.00 a month in revenue, which is substantial. This will, eventually, over time, give me an inability to pay some of my bills, keep food plentiful, and keep the life insurance going, as that is a definite need for my wife, as I have a heart condition.
I am glad that, a couple of weeks ago, while I was watching a YouTube video, I learned of the philanthropic desires of some anonymous persons, who wanted to help those who really needed it. And since I feel that I am one such, I am writing to you.
Since I have been left with such a substantial hole in my finances, I am asking to receive a gift of $4,300.00. This amount will encompass three months of the money I an losing due to the down-sizing of my job while, at the same time, giving me additional funds to help me fulfill a goal that I had before the down-sizing happened – – to be a seller on the Amazon website, which would help me on my way to financial freedom and independence.
I hope that someone, or someones, are compelled to help me in this time of need