I am in desperate need of assistance to pay my monthly rent in the current apartment complex I live at. I am a full-time worker at a district school plus I work during the weekends and I feel like each month is harder to pay the rent. The money goes as fast as it comes in. I have two daughters that depend on me and this week I will receive an eviction letter again to leave the premises if I don’t make my rent payment before the 10th. I need to come up with $2,388.XX which I don’t have and I’m afraid of staying in the streets with my daughters.
My monthly expenses are so high that what I earn is never enough to pay on time my bills even by working extra side gigs. I am desperate at this point and I don’t know what to do. It is the first time I asked for help in a platform but I am out of options. I ask for cash advances, loan money options, etc. but I still owe money from the previous cash advance and I don’t have the money this month to pay the rent.
I humbly ask for help to make this monthly rent payment to see if for next month I can catch up with my bills.
********Any donation please send to @thebibleman7 in Paypal.