I recently moved from Philadelphia to Arizona and was not able to secure a job for a month. I recently got a job, Aug 28th, but I am not able to make my rent due to a couple factors. One is that it took me too long to secure a job as the one that I had an interview set up for me when I got out here ended up not hiring me. I then spent the rest of August applying to jobs and interviewing constantly. I even took out a personal loan to help me stay afloat but then my grandmom got admitted to the hospital, back in Philadelphia.
She was diagnosed with ovarian cancer during this visit. I sent over money to her to help her with her bills but now I am struggling myself. My siblings are in similar situations to me except worse since they have children that they must make sure are taken care of while I do not. The total for my rent and bills is $2000. $1300 for rent, $300 for the personal loan, and $400 for my grandmother’s hospital bills.
Anything helps towards this and thank you for at the very least reading through this.
CashApp: $TCeionHarper