- Hello my name is Neda, I’m a 23 year old student that is going through a struggle in life. Growing up I never had financial support, with an abusive father who doesn’t want anything to do with me and an absent mother who isn’t financially stable has left me to fend for myself and struggle financially and significantly put me behind in life. I had to pick up two jobs and put school on pause to live day to day which still isn’t enough with basic necessities and bills piling up, constantly worrying about every penny I spend and trying to find different ways to make money, leaving me no longer having any sense of life in me. I found myself couch hopping and working nonstop just to have somewhere to stay as well as financially taking care of my younger sister. I have reached out for government support however I haven’t had any luck with that. I’m trying my best but haven’t had any good news. Currently I’m in a situation where I need to find a new apartment by April, however I don’t have enough money to put down a down payment. I’ve been having a few issues with my current employer and my checks, which have put me behind on my finances and would not be able to have the required amount for an apartment in New York. I have been working nonstop with no days off and finding myself getting sick more often than usual, but still having to push through not to end up on the streets. I just would like a little stability and to be able to have a roof over my head. Any help would be appreciated, and would help me a lot to get me back on my feet, go back to school full time to be able to pursue a better life. I’m completely alone and have been alone since I was 15 and currently have no one who would be able to help me right now. I’m at a breaking point and I working myself thin so any help at all would be a god send. I am current in need of 7000 for rent, down payment and broker fee. I genuinely really just want to have a roof over my head and know I’m in a safe place and have a little peace in life. With deep appreciation, thank you.