I hate doing this but I don’t know what else to do. I am requesting help to catch up on bills. Being the youngest in my family I’ve spent 10 years solely taking care of my mother up until she passed 2 years ago. Up until then I have never lived on my own or have done anything on my own and for myself.. I always moved around to take care of family matters. I am finally in my own place now trying to figure this new life I have. Still learning and unlearning a few things to succeed in life. Depression got the best of me after the passing of my mother because my whole life was dedicated to helping and making her life comfortable. That would include putting my life and happiness aside and not care about my future. Now being on my own I kind of got behind on my car payments and am struggling to keep up with my rent as well as all my other bills. I have now came to terms with my mother’s death but now my depression is over my financial health due to the neglect of my well-being. I do work.. however, it’s not enough to catch up to stay afloat. I just need help to catch up on everything to bring them current so I can continue to learn to progress and grow financially and learn more about financial health. I would greatly appreciate any help given. And may God bless you tenfold in return. Thank you!
paypal : davismalaeulu1
cashapp: $Dmalaeulu