Hello everybody!
Im a 20 year old girl from Estonia and i’ve been struggling to earn enough money to comfortably start my own life. Since I was 17 I had to research for different ways to make my own money because my parents couldn’t afford to support me in any ways. I have two little sisters who live with my stepfather and my mother who lives on her own since she had a divorce and found a new man for herself. I struggle to pay the rent for my own living because over a year now we’ve had inflation all over our country what makes affording basic things incredibly hard such as paying the bills, affording food and etc. Also I’ve had the dream to start my own business to make my own income but I can’t put any money to the side since the taxes are so high. In a month I hardly earn 800-900€ with full time working and my rent is little bit over 500€. I know that I really shouldn’t complain about my situation but I also don’t have any support from my family( to stay at their place) to save the money. I wanna do something great in this life but right now I’ve lost all the hope to make something better. If you wanna support me then I really appreciate it and even a little bit helps:)
If you read all this and got to the end then Im really thankful for your time that you took and I wish that everybody else who has written their stories can get the help that they need!