Hi all generous folks looking to help, TIA! This isn’t easy but I don’t have any other recourse. I don’t have family or friends to turn to as we all pretty much come from the same meager means. I don’t have or own anything of high value that I can sell or pawn, except for my car, but I need that to get to and from work and drive my grandson where he needs to go. Due to unforeseen circumstances I have had to take over his care. He just turned 8 and is an incredible kid; I’m am lucky to have him as a grandson. However, prior to him coming to stay with me, I only made enough to cover my expenses. I never expected that this would happen and now find myself trying to support us both. I have filed an application for assistance for him but until then, I am short…on everything. I can’t make the rent at the end of this month nor do I have enough to cover the car insurance or the daycare for the next 2 weeks. Luckily I only pay for the after school program to keep him until I get out of work and pick him up, however this additional $350 a month isn’t something that was ever part of my budget. I have all these additional expenses that I didn’t have before and I frankly don’t have the money to do it all. Until I get a determination on the assistance application, I’ve just been limping along. The end of the month is fast approaching and I’m starting to get anxious and overwhelmed about how I’m going to come up with all this money that I need to keep us in the apartment/studio, daycare and in a drivable car.
I just need some help to cover these expenses and I think $2000 would be enough. At least it would give me a chance to start back at an ok place with my own employment check and hopefully his assistance for him would have kicked in.
Thank you so much if you find it in your hearts to give and contribute to helping my grandson and me out! Many blessings and good returns!