Dear Sir/Madam,
Thank you for taking the time to read my story.
Please bear with me as I write this as I have never asked for help through a platform such as this. This is difficult but I feel I have exhausted all other options and not sure where else to turn.
My name is Martha and I live with my husband and 2 cats. My story begins back in 2014 when we moved into a cheaper apartment from a single family home, which I had hoped would help ease our financial burden, but no such luck. In 2015, due to poor financial decisions/moves, we went into chapter 13 bankruptcy for a period of 5 years and were discharged in May of 2020. Making those monthly payments was hard but somehow we made it through. We had hoped, coming out of bankruptcy, that things would be better, but with the loss of my dad in 2019, came loss of financial help and a substantial portion of our monthly income. That, coupled with sizable yearly rent increases, has led us where we are today, unable to to pay all of our rent. After my dad passed, we did get a small inheritance which we used to get out of debt, a move I do not regret. While I do have a full time job, my husband has been dealing with health issues which have left him unable to work, although he does collect a monthly SS check.
Over the years, it has became abundantly clear that we need to move to a cheaper part of the country, so in an effort to begin making better financial decisions, we will be moving in September.
In the meantime, we are locked into a 6 month lease and find ourselves unable to pay all of our rent. Our rent recently went up to 3300, of which we have 1500. We are in need of about 2000 a month for the next 6 months which is about 12,000. This will allow us to finish out our lease and move when it expires in September.
As I said, climbing back from bankruptcy has been an uphill battle but we are making moves, including educating ourselves on financial solvency, to make our future brighter than our past, we just need some help to get there. Sometimes it feels like it’s 1 step forward and 2 steps back, which is frustrating, but we are committed.
Thank you for taking the time to read this story and any help/assistance that could be given, would help and be much appreciated.
I am including a picture of my rent amount which does not reflect the recent increase to 3300.
Thank you again!