Hi everyone I am a college student in Atlanta Georgia and I need help with paying my rent and other bills. I need about 9000$ to help me cover rent and other expenses to be able to finish my college. I am currently in my final year of my Engineering degree with a 3.96 GPA and have one more semester left but unexpected circumstances have left me on the verge of dropping out to be able to survive.
I lost the job I was working for in early October due to the company downsizing and my roommate moved out around the same time cuz he got a job in his hometown and he left by breaking the lease and leaving me with all the bills and although I paid his portion of rent with my savings it has left me severely in debt with my account sitting at a negative -300$ which has resulted in me not even being able t0 afford food and facing eviction come February 2024. I haven’t been able to pay my phone bill, electric bill and other utilities and already lost phone service because of it and been contacted by the power company about shutting of electric and water.
I have been applying to jobs but so far haven’t found any and this has resulted in my performance in school to drop considerably. I can’t ask my family for money as they live paycheck to paycheck and i have been supporting myself for the past 3 and a half years through college by paying the tuition myself with 50% from scholarships and 50% from saving money from working jobs and i don’t want to drop out right before my final semester
I wouldn’t be here asking for money if I wasn’t desperate. I’ve barely had any food to eat in the past 3 weeks and been pretty much surviving on a slice of bread and water. Please help. The 9000 will help me cover rent for 2 months and pay all my past utility bills and get groceries for food and help me pay about 30% of my tuition for my final semester the rest coming from scholarships and hopefully getting a job by the time tuition is due for my final semester.
Please help with any amount if you can, I will be eternally grateful and promise to pay it forward by helping people in need when i have the means.
Thank you
Ben Cooper
Cashapp $appycute88