Hello everyone, I’m a young adult in my early 20s and I’ve been living on my own for about 3 years now. Up until now I’ve never struggled this much living on my own and honestly right now I’m doing everything I can to get back on my feet and knock out these bills. I lost my my job and since then I’ve been struggling to get another job and pay my bills. I would love to learn a trade or finish school and start a real career but I can’t do that until I get back on my feet and get stable income. I’m currently behind on my rent and my landlord even sent an eviction notice. I’m also behind on the electric bill, my car payment, and my insurance. In total that’s about $2,296 in the hole. I’m trying to stay positive towards this situation and keep my head focus on doing better and just looking for a solution. If there is anyone that can help I’d really appreciate it if you did. Even if you can’t give money if there is any advice you can give me or if there are programs that you know of or job opportunities please share them with me. I would be grateful for any help that anyone can give me.
Thank you! https://www.paypal.me/Gmor923