Hello my name is Tiffany and I am living on my own for the very first time. I am also learning how to budget and I’m doing pretty good until I came upon a big uh-oh. I was budgeting for the month of June and I miscalculated some things and now the rent is due in just a few days and I came up a little short for my rent. My rent is $650. I have 200 but just need the rest. I had some bills that came out automatically that I did not account for and I have my rent ready but when I looked in my account I forgot about the two bills that came out automatically. It was my fault for not writing it down like I should have so that way I could plan ahead but I have learned my lesson. I will double check before I go and get myself in a pickle like I am now. I thank you from the bottom of my heart. If you could give anything it will be greatly appreciated. I know God is going to bless you and your family for helping out someone in need. I’m not really a person who likes to ask anybody for anything. I always stay pretty quiet to myself so people won’t see that I am struggling. I have this model to myself that if I got myself in it I need to get myself out of it and it’s no one else’s responsibility to get me out of every situation I’m in. I also have learned that sometimes that doesn’t work and you have to let people help you when you really are in need. So thank you again and have a blessed day.
Cash app is $breakfastwithtiff