Thank you for taking the time to read and consider my need.
Long story short. My home is about to be foreclosed on because my mortgage forbearance ended and my loan modification efforts gave me an impractical option.
Covid hit the restaurant industry hard- my spouse lost his income. We live in New Hampshire and he is an oyster farmer. When the restaurants closed, demand ended. I exhausted my savings and then some to keep my family afloat.
Then my ex husband stopped paying child support for my 13 year old son back in 2021.
I’ve been rebudgeting my life and making financial concessions for my family. The mortgage company just sent me a trial loan modification of making payments on Dec 1, Jan 1. and Feb 1 at $4,007 a piece and if I can prove I can make those payments, they’ll move the remaining balance to the end of the loan.
This is greatly different from my current note of $1724 a month at 3% interest. The new $4,007 payment is with the current interest rate calculated.
I can’t make $4,007 payments a month. I can make $1,724 payments a month now. But I have to find a way to get the money owed taken care of. That total is $35,500. This includes fees, escrow, etc.
I’ve tried loans but I have a 629 credit score and I need a co-signer. My spouse doesn’t have good credit again since the paralysis Covid put on his oyster farm. I have no family and it’s literally me, my spouse and my two boys.
I have stable employment. I work for the Air National Guard and I am paid twice a month. I have been working for the guard for 18 years. I have an IT degree that I completed right when Covid began and I am looking to start using it; I’d love to find a civilian job IT job.
Any help afforded to my family is greatly appreciated. I can’t tell you how stressed I am about how to remedy this and how disappointed I am in this situation. My 13 year old is very depressed and struggles with social issues in general. We’ve had many 504 and IEP meetings going back and forth trying to establish services for him. I am just stressed all the way around.
Lastly, please know that moving forward I can make my house payments. I just need help getting the owed balance taken care of so I can actually make the right payments.
thank you 🙏
very respectfully