I’m sure my/our story is not unique especially while times are tough. But, I’m doing my best(even if that means doing something like this), to support my family. I don’t want to make this long, but please know this is a genuine plea for help.
My husband and I are hard workers and have always been, but for some reason we have never been able to get ourselves in a situation where we are financially secure. I went into so much educational debt obtaining my masters degree in hopes of securing the best life for me and my family. However, all that has left me with so far is a ton of educational debt and a low paying job(s). But that’s not what is immediately affecting us at this time.
I also want to be clear, that my husband and I both have jobs that we work hard at. But right now are not able to pay the bills. I’ve made the mistake of taking out all kinds of consolidation loans trying to stay caught up, but now am at a point where we cant even make the minimum payments on those loans.
My husband is a realtor. We have lived very simple lives in terms of just having a 3 bedroom/2 bath house with 3 kids. We have 2 older cars and the newest car being 5 years old which we still make payments on. The other car is 20 years old, but running rough. As a realtor, my husband suddenly seemed to not gain any new or existing clients over the past year. He’s pushing his hardest to stay the fight in order to stay in that business because he loves it, but unfortunately, business just plain stinks right now. I work in higher education and also love my job, but just don’t get paid very well. Not enough to support our family with my income alone. I even teach extra classes when possible for additional money. On top of that, insurance has to go through my check for my family.
2 years ago we were doing somewhat well financially and decided to move into a new home. New to us at least. Not an extravagant home by any means, but a big enough home for a family of 4 at the time in a safe neighborhood. Our previous home was in a neighborhood that had shooting frequently and break ins consistently. After living in that home for 15 years, we were able to finally afford something nicer for our family. Last year, I found out that I was unexpectedly pregnant. We added a new baby to the family in September of 2022. She is a miracle in human flesh. I never should have gotten pregnant(physically should have been impossible), but here we are living with a newborn and 2 older girls ages 9 and 12. My husband hasn’t sold a house since her birth. I had to take at least 6 weeks off of work when I had her and my work only paid 2 weeks of pay during that time because that’s all that I had saved up. That’s when I finances started taking a turn for the worse. I’ve reached out to public/government assistance as much as I feel that I can. While some resources were available, we have been faced with the challenges of not being considered “poor” enough to receive help.
We are now in a situation where we can’t pay our mortgage and getting behind on all of our bills. I’m worried that we are going to have to either sell or lose a home that we normally be able to afford. On top of that, I’m not sure that we have anywhere to go if we do lose our home. We don’t have family that can help. In fact my husband and I do our best to physically and financially support our single elderly parents(respectively). Again, in trying to help them, there aren’t very many resources out there that are willing to assist in their care either.
We are doing our best to do our best honestly. And raise decent, healthy humans in the meantime. I’m just hoping for a miracle and am going to as many lengths as possible to provide for my family. We are absolutely grateful for any assistance given. https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/my/profile