Hello. We are two young men who have a simple yet challenging dream of owning a home in California. While we were well aware of how difficult this would be financially, we did not realize how emotional even the first stages of buying a home are. Truthfully, all we want to do is provide a nice space for our fur babies, Royce and Miko. From there, we eventually want to build our family, but we feel that we are currently wasting our resources by renting.
We were presented with an amazing opportunity to own a home with an amazing first-time homebuyer program. However, we realized all that we have saved up until this point would be gone. On top of that, the builder informed us that they miscalculated and our dream home would be $10,000.00 more than its original price.
We are not afraid to work for what we want. It’s just that we feel like we’ve been working so much, and no matter what we do, it’s still not enough to accomplish our lifelong dream of having a home. We have been saving up for our dream home for about five years. We understand that some people may have been saving for their first home for longer than that, but we come from very humble beginnings. Both our families were immigrants from the Philippines and did not come to America with much. They struggled to put us through school, and outside of that, they had to take care and fund our siblings as well.
We are trying very hard to make our dream of having a home come true. We believe we are not asking for much. Our calculations would have been great if the $10,000.00 addition was not presented to us. We believe we are only trying to get our home price back down to what made sense to us. We have done all the negotiating with the builder that we are capable of and are now turning to the hope that someone who is reading this would relate to the challenge we have at hand. We all had or have a dream that seemed unattainable, and then became closer to reality. Anyone who has experienced being so close to their dream and then something coming along to make it appear unattainable again knows how much it hurts.
We would give everything to have our dream home, but we also don’t want to start this next chapter of our lives with nothing. From the bottom of our hearts, we kindly ask for any amount you are able to donate. Please help us provide Royce and Miko a new home. Please help us start our family.