Hello to whom ever reads my story and thank you from the bottom of my heart for helping me! I have been a dedicated hard worker since the age of 16. I grew up with a strong belief that those who work hard at their career will be rewarded in so many ways in return. I raised two beautiful children a son and daughter whom are now hard working adults themselves. They too have that strong willed work ethic that drives them to succeed and I can say that I am very proud to tell you my daughter is now a doctor in physical therapy. My son has his CDL and drives a semi truck and now hauls grain for a local coop. My husband is a hard working service technician at a local gas station and goes out on service calls to change large tractor tires in the farmers fields in the local area. I brought and raised my family here to this small rural town to pursue my career as a hard working dental hygienist and would have reached my twenty five year mark if I had made it to July of 2023. I was forced to quit my job due to severe neck issues and thought I would be strong enough and well enough to pursue a career in another field of work. After several MRI’s since 2016 and my latest one in December of 2023. It has been determined after review by a neurologist that I suffer from worsening cervical radiculopathy and back issues along with osteoarthritis. I try hard to keep myself busy moving around and continue to do my exercises daily. I swallowed my pride and applied for disability in May of 2023 but was denied the first time. I took out all my retirement money which was roughly $18,000 to survive because their was no way we would be able to pay our bills on my husbands income alone. I appealed my disability and finally was approved on November 16 2023. I am now in the waiting period and tapped all sources of income. I have cut all expenditures including making my own laundry soap and cooking cheaper to prepare meals. I know their are so many people out their that have it way worse off than me. I thank God for the roof over my head, a bed to sleep in and my family. I just need a little bit of help please to get to June 26th of 2024. My mortgage payment is $987.15 due on the 5th of each month. Please send money to paypal.me/mpinney325 Please and Thank You from the bottom of my heart!