This is for Michael and Marko. My two loves. The only loves I have finally in my life. Michael is my fiance from England. Yes, accent aside, he is the most wonderful loving funny man you’d ever meet. And Marko, my loving loving kind son. He loves God and animals. And they both share a love of gaming (still trying to get me into it, I’m just not quite there yet).
They are both in hard spots in life. Mick has had his 2nd heart attack. This has dramatically affected us financially. Our goals of owning a home as well as visiting his family back in England are no where in sight. Emotionally and physically, he is drained and stressed. His sense of humor is faint…but still there ;) –(just shared a story of his Pa sending him to the shop for a long stand. He gets there & asks the shop owner for one. He asks, who sent him, Mick replies “Me Pa”, so the owner sends him to a spot to wait. Eventually, Mick goes back to him & says, “well?”, The owner replies…”Havent you had a long enough one yet?” Took me a moment, but then laughed and laughed. He gets his sense of humor from his dad. Both his parents and brother all died of heart attacks, so I know this adds to his anxiety, that he has survived through his second.
Marko, my son, is approaching puberty. He is struggling watching us financially figure things out, as we have been planning on a home for him to get a pup. But, the heart attack has stopped that plan for the moment. We want the best for him now, as well as for the future. A home, a vacation (to England of course) and a dog as well as a college fund. He is dealing with school as he gets bullied and wants to return to home schooling like he did during COVID. Lots for a kid to figure out.
I work as a restaurant manager. Long hard hours, but all we have at the moment. I need Dental work (I feel bad complaining about my teeth when he has a heart condition), but the pain is unbearable somedays. Anyways, My goal is to get us a house somehow…find a work at home job to do both as I don’t have the energy to work 50 hrs a week and then go to another job, and care for them So hoping to find something I can do at home from anywhere to compliment my income as Mick will never be able to work again.
This is our story. I don’t know how, but believe…I have to believe we can do this. I can’t focus on the over $100,000 medical bills and climbing because he needs Cardio Rehab. (I plan on sending everyone $20/mo ;), as well as achieving our life goals. I have to believe we can have a home…a house to call our own. I do love and am greatful for our apartment, I really do. But, honestly, I am exhausted after work, love caring for them both afterwards, but want to be able to give them a home, a reliable car. Some peace of mind that things WILL work out. Selfishly, I need a light to help me help them. I do smile and it is genuine, I am greatful that I can work and for our apartment, but I am praying and ask for kindness and help or guidance.
Thank you for your time. And if anything, please be kind to others as working in a restaurant with the public. People tend to treat you like crap…so please be kind to those around you just trying to make it through the day to get home and care for those they love.