Hi, I’m Elaine. I’m from the Caribbean. I am a school teacher. I’m a single mom of a nineteen year old who is still a student. I too, am presently a student persuing my masters degree. I am presently under much financial strain due being the sole breadwinner in my household. My motgage is extremely taxing, causing much stress on my other responsibilities. Due to my already exhausted pay, I’ve found myself ,struggling to monthly living expenses, support my son’s education as well as to service additional loans taken out to fund additional or emegency expenses. I started private tuition in an attempt to generate additional cash but in many cases parents are unable to pay and no money is collected. I look forward, but dread my master’s program coming to and end next school year because payment for the student.s loan will commence. I’d like some assistance with my mortgage because with that out out the way or considerably reduced, I could renegotiate my payment rates, making the other commitments a bit easier to manage. My mind is always going, worrying about beable to meet monthly expenses. I know it effects all aspects of my being, even work. I’d like to give my best (it’s phenomenal)and more to all the children I am given the opportunity to interact with and teach. A piece of mind while I’m doing what I do best will be greatly appreciated and a prayer answered. I’m trying to raise $200,000.00. https://paypal.me/centwut?country.x=BB&locale.x=en_US