My name is Kimberly Odom and I am asking for $2,000 to help me pay my mortgage. I am 53 years old and am semi-retired from teaching special needs children in the public schools. In 2020 when everything was shut down due to COVID-19 I was able to work from home teaching the children. However, I ended up contracting COVID in September of 2020 and I was sick for three months. I thought I was going to die. Actually, I asked God to take me because I was very sick. My husband took a leave of absence from work and nursed me back to health. I thank God for him everyday. When I recovered at the end of the year my husband didn’t want me to return to work because he was afraid I would get sick again. I love him and I understood why he had concern. So, I started searching for work from home to help contribute to the household. However, I wasn’t making enough. My husband filed for bankruptcy but it has taken a toll on both of us. He works everyday and his biweekly checks pay everything. My part-time job helps with food and I use whatever is left to pay on our credit card debt. Now, we have gotten behind on our mortgage and I just don’t know what to do. I am only asking for $2,000 to cover one mortgage payment because I was just hired for a job with BCBS and the job doesn’t start until November. I feel like we can get back on our feet once my full-time job starts in November. Thank you so much. My Paypal.me account is associated with my email, kimberly.odom16@gmail.com