Hello to anyone reading this who may be fortunate enough to be in a position to help. Thank you for clicking into my story.
What you need to know about me is that I have always tried to be self sufficient and despite the odds often being stacked against me, I have always tackled life’s numerous problems head on and with dignity – never giving up, always living in hope (even when the world has felt like it was collapsing all around me…)
I could not be more desperate with sleepless nights of worry.
I am fortunate to have a beautiful family – a wife and 2 kids (a girl and a boy). For this I am very grateful.
In my professional working life I have helped countless numbers of people with disabilities to connect with the services they need, know their rights and to find gainful employment.
I have been doing this for the better part of 3 decades and take enormous joy from the help I give to those in need.
Unfortunately, like many people in today’s climate, my family and I are now suffering and I am finding that the banks, rather than helping, are making things much worse.
I have never been a fan of money. To me it is a means to an end. It has never been a focal point of my existence.
But when you and your family haven’t had a holiday since well before COVID, you rarely get to go shopping for anything other than essentials, you are constantly working in a vocational job and despite all the good you do, only receiving a 2% Annual Payrise when inflation is between 10 and 13% and you watch costs going up on Gas, Electricity, travel costs, good and so on, you start to question what it is all for…
Are you living or surviving?!?
To add insult to injury, my wife has been in and out of hospital over the past 12 months and we are not in a position to go private with a mysterious respiratory condition that is only getting worse.
We are a non smoking household and the specialists are baffled to the causes of her condition.
Even though we express the greatest of respect for the UK’s NHS, we are subject to long waits, cancellations and at times not being taken seriously despite the facts speaking for themselves.
I myself have recently been diagnosed as Bi-polar with Emotionally Unstable Disorder (EAD) after years of experiencing what I was told was Anxiety and Depression.
I had to push to receive a psychiatric consultation and this diagnosis is welcomed as I can now learn to understand how I can live with this.
Although I try not to let this news impact on the important work I do daily with my customer base, I am reliant on regular counselling and daily medication which makes life much harder as I often experience bouts of suicidal thoughts. I now need help from others, as I have always offered assistance where I could.
I am on this site for financial help as I have explored all other options and am sinking further by just trying to keep our home afloat.
In a storm last year we had some roof damage that we were not in a position to deal with at the time. Black mold is now occurring and may be a contributing or at least aggravating factor to my wife’s lungs.
All estimates for repair are well out of our range and we have no family in a position to help.
Not only are the banks not prepared to offer support by way of a loan to fix this, but to add insult to injury out mortgage is potentially increasing from a rate of 2.15% to an estimated 7.99% from July.
Despite my wife and I working all the hours we can and trying to look after our children we will effectively be priced out of our own home.
If you can help with a donation that would be amazing.
Equally if you could offer a loan, I have crunched the numbers and would be happy to pay a reasonable amount of interest over a period of time equal to the remaining repayment period of our mortgage.
What we are facing is not fair. We put a lot into the society we live in and this is how we are repaid?
We were classed as Key Workers during COVID and expected to go out to work everyday – putting our lives and the lives of our children at risk – when others were told to stay home and many receiving government support.
I am not bitter and know the value of the work I do, but I don’t feel supported now we are facing such uncertainty.
Please help if you can – paypal.me/collectornotscalper