I had to take a medical leave from work at the end of September and during this leave I had to have my gallbladder bladder removed which was unexpected. This caused me to be out on leave longer and it used up my intermittent FMLA. In order to return to work a fitness for duty form was required and filled out by my doctor. My doctor requested reasonable accommodations for me and my work denied the request and placed me on a general leave status until the start of the next school year. I was supposed to return to work in December but not only was my ADA accommodations denied but they went on Christmas break and left my paperwork on the desk for review for after the Christmas break. Then they just forgot about me until the end of January and informed me that I was not allowed to return to work until next school year. All this leave has been without pay and I have reached capacity. I have borrowed all I can borrow and used up all my credit and I am now unable to pay my bills. I cannot even buy gas or food and it will be wasted soon enough if my electricity goes out. My credit score went from an 800 to a 520, and every creditor is calling me multiple times a day for payment and I don’t have any money. I have worked my entire life and I have always been able to at least if all else fails go wait tables but I no longer can work on my feet. I have 8 medical conditions and one of them is extremely difficult to manage and causes me a great deal of problems making everything I do exponentially harder. I have POTS syndrome and I have severe arthritis in my entire spine and hips making any type of labor intensive jobs and standing up for long periods of time impossible for me. I cannot just go get a job anywhere. I’m negative in my account and my house payment is due. All my bills are due and all my maxed out credit cards are past due. My house taxes are past due and everything is spiraling out of control. I am having to send my only child to go live with my parents because I cannot support her and I don’t know what I will do without the kindness of strangers because I learned quickly that when you really need help your friends and family will not help you. I have worked hard to get everything I have in life and in falling behind by one month my entire credit and on time payment history is destroyed and I am facing financial ruin and eventually I will lose my house and everything I worked for. I have to now sue my school district for violating my rights by denying me reasonable accommodations which will only mean many more months of time without any income and I just don’t know how anyone is expected to survive these situations when there’s really no way to speed up the process. I will be eternally grateful for any help afforded me by others because I have no idea what I will do if nobody steps in and helps me stay afloat. I have never needed help before and I am very humbled by this experience. Thank you deeply.