Honestly I never thought I would ever be doing something like this. I’ve worked hard my whole life and always paid my bills. I started working on the Family Farm before I was 10 years old. I left the family business in my twenties and the farm is long gone. Now my emergency fund has been exhausted and my stepson convinced my late wife in her mental confusion before she died to sign the life insurance over to him unknown to me until she died. Then he managed to piss away 350,000 in less than a year before any lawyer could do anything about it.
So now I’ve been out of work for over 2 years seeing doctor after doctor trying to avoid surgery and I’m now recovering from surgery and could probably need another surgery. It just depends on how much I can tolerate the pain . I have gone through the process of signing up for public assistance but I just can’t pay the two mortgages and the taxes. I could sell my house and move somewhere cheaper but then I would be moving far away from where my mentally ill son lives. I have a second mortgage because my emergency fund was a home equity line of credit that is now maxed out. On top of that I’ve been juggling 0% credit cards. Trying to make some money online since I can tap on a computer. But my monthly housing expense is $2,500 at this point and there’s no way I can make that kind of money on a computer since I’ve been a blue collar worker my entire life and the learning curve is a big deal for me. That doesn’t mean I won’t stop trying but in the meantime I have no idea when I would get any money from a settlement from the accident and I’m very close to not paying the bills since I have such a small amount coming and my monthly expenses are so much larger.
I’m not a very good writer so hopefully I expressed myself well.
So anybody that can help with my situation to get me through this would be hugely appreciated.
Thank you,