Smalltown girl’s rocky road
I never thought I had to take this option to ask for money online but I will give it a go, since the money is needed. I feel vulnerable to share my story.
I’m a 26yo woman from a smalltown, my goal was to start my own company when I turned 20. I always felt like I wanted to help others reach their full potential, so I started my own personal training business in 2016. The company had a good start and I managed to help hundreds of people in need of a lifestyle change. My biggest accomplishments was starting a senior beach workout for 60+ year olds, seeing their fitness improve was heart warming and the joy in there eyes on each training made me happy. They did not only improve their fitness but also found friends for life.
Fast forward to beginning of 2019, business was going good and I was enjoying my job.
Until one morning everything changed. I was mountain biking and fell in full speed against the concrete. My whole face was in million pieces and upper and lower jaw out of place. Luckily there was a man that saw this and I got help quickly and was rushed to the hospital.
They had to do 2× 6-9hours surgery to reconstruct my face and jaw. I was in the hospital for 2.5months and could not speak, eat or walk on my own. It was a miracle that I survived, they said I must have had a guardian angel with me.
The accident and time in hospital was the most traumatic experience in my entire life.
When I got home I had to wait to get my temporary dentures, because I had lost almost all of my upper teeth. In May I was back with my seniors at the beach with my dentures, which made me feel like a senior myself :D.
Since then, 4years now, I have had to go through 2 more jaw surgeries because of bone loss, over 30+ visits to the dentist, 1 knee surgery in 2022 and now finally they have put the teeth implants in place and are planning my final smile. I have had to use my temporary teeth for 4years so having implants will be a blessing. The wait has been long and hard.
I had never imagined that my 20s would look like this. Despite it all I have tried to stay positive. This accident made me look at life in a different light, how one incident can change your life in a blink of an eye.
I am thankful to be alive and appriciate the smallest things in life even more. Family & friends first, business second. I also learned to have more patience and slow down and focus on myself.
Because of all the surgeries and hospital appointments over the years, I have not had a chance to work as much as I should or put effort in growing back my own business. I have had to regain my strength and recover after each big surgery, which could be months, and have not got the chance to plan anything ahead for my future.
This of course has affected my financial situation to a point that I’m having a hard time paying all the medical bills, mortgage and other expenses.
Shortly after I came home from the hospital in 2019 my best friend; grandma passed away. I bought her house and property, this place means everything to me. Here I have spent my childhood and gone fishing & boating with family, still do. It would be a shame to have to give it all up.
Like I said, now in 2023 the last finishing touches on my recovery journey, after the accident, is being made. New opportunities awaits me, it almost feels like I’m new born. I can finally again plan my future and what I want to do, I know it will include helping others.
I just need some help to get back up on my feet and up and running again, helping others.
Thank you for reading my story♡. You can go follow me on social media to find out more about me and my journey.
I am thankful for every little help I can get. Best regards, Emilia.
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