My name is Robert and I am a 41 year old father to my only son Daniel who is six this year. I haven’t had an easy life by any means. I was born in upstate NY and into a family of alcoholics and substance abusers but mostly just Drank entirely too much. My father was a violent man and one day when I was 3 years old (as story goes) my Biological mother dropped me, my sister and my little brother off on my grandmothers doorstep and took off with another man to get away from my father and she left us behind because she thought that if she took us my father would hunt her down and end her life, so she chose to leave us behind so she could get away from the drunken beatings my father would give her on a daily basis. Little did she know that he would then take his anger out on us instead. So for just about the rest of my life as a child with my brother and my sister we spent most of our childhoods in foster care, but more so me, because I being the oldest I got the worst of the beatings, and I would choose to run away or get into as much trouble as I could so I didn’t have to go back to get more beatings, but foster homes weren’t much better either and the group homes were even worse. Up until I was about 16 years old my uncle decided to fight for custody of me because one day while I was in a home the foster parents used to bring me to my grandmothers house to visit with my brother and sister for a few hours while they would go do their shopping and whatever else and one day they dropped me off and I walked up to the second floor and knocked on the apartment door and got no answer I looked in the windows and everything and everyone was gone. was two months or so later that I got a phone call from my grandmother who had been drinking to tell me they had moved to Florida, my whole family (except my father) and that maybe one day they’d see me again if I ever decided to move down there… heartbroken was the only feeling I can use to describe the feeling that day. but my uncle fought for custody, and he had won and he moved me to Atlanta Ga to live with him. everything was great at first, but my uncle was gay and had his partner and it was a bit strange for me at first but I got use to it until my uncle made at pass at me and I had exploded, and ran away to a friend I had made in high school there. I got a job, still went to school had good grades and everything, but it wasn’t good enough to keep me where I was happy, and my uncle came with the police to take me to Florida to be with the rest of my family. at 17 I made it here to Fl, Southwest Fl actually and I couldn’t get into high school down here, they didn’t approve of my previous record from NY schools with all the trouble so I eventually just gave up, started being just a lost teenager with no direction in life, got my first job at a fast food place and started my journey into nothingness… I eventually got hurt at work and was burned really badly with cooking grease and had to get surgery, and was put on opioids every single day for over a year, I was only 20 years old and the epidemic had just began…. this lead me down a really bad road full of addiction, drinking, jail, you name it I did it… just never used needles no way never that. spent years addicted to pills and alcohol got wrapped up with a woman who is just bad news for anyone she is with never had kids thank God but one day I met someone who changed my life. The love of my life, the woman I want to marry. she gave me my son on 11-19-2017 and just one look at him changed my life forever I now have a purpose, a reason to be a better person, I never knew what love was until I looked him in his eyes.I wanted a better life now… I wanted better for him I never want him to go thru what I did. I started my own small business as a handyman, even do remodels and finally got a better home instead of living in run down trailers in trailer parks etc etc I enjoy helping other people and offer my services at affordable rates, and I try to help other guys and give the jobs working for me when no one else would hire them. I have done the best I can ever since my son was born helping others, always putting people before myself most times… My son saved my life, or so I thought. Turns out when he was 3 years old I had gained a lot of weight, all the way to 217 pounds and I had always been skinny my whole life always floated around 140-160 pounds tops and I thought it was just because I was getting older and I was happy and all that but it turns out that coming home from work and having a few beers every day was killing me, not to mention all the crap I had done when I was in my 20s My liver was in trouble and that’s why I had gained all the weight. I was diagnosed with AFLD, RA (rhoumetoid arthritis) and have an autoimmune disease… Great news I know, right? I watch my son cry in the doctors office with me saying I don’t want my daddy to go bye bye I had told him “Daddys not going anywhere” I made my son a promise that day… Its been three years plus since then and Ive been doing everything that I can with what I have to live a healthy long life, but as it seems I just cannot seem to get ahead of the 8 ball. its very expensive to live here, and my small company is just like having a regular job and I just barely make enough to scrape by and my teeth are very bad and I need to have them removed because the infections that pop up at least once a month are poisoning me and my liver and just making things worse, but I cannot afford the dental bills, or to take time off of work. I’ve never even had time to take my son anywhere cool like chuckecheese or an amusement park or anything but what I’m most scared of is what my primary care doctor said to me… “Get your affairs in order, talk to our psychiatrist, and fill out a living will” I felt like I was given a death sentence that day. I’ve found good doctors that can help my situation with my liver and give me a better chance at a longer life, and good dentists, but I cannot afford them, and I don’t want to die before I see my son graduate, so I am here because I want to save my own life, for my son I want more time with him and his Mom of course… I want to live another 10-15 years, but right now they say I have five years at most before I get really sick and just poof… I don’t want that. I don’t have a number I’m asking for, because I cant put a number on my life. I wish I was on the other end of this letter sending someone like me life changing money, but that’s movie type stuff I know. I wish I wasn’t here asking for help but I am, and if anyone would like to help just know that I don’t know if I could ever pay it back, but I can promise you you would make a six year old boy very happy by making sure his Daddy lived longer to watch him grow up. I’m so tired… Im tired of being in pain every single day… Life is supposed to be better than this, and I know there is better… I need enough money I guess to cover dental surgery and have all of my teeth removed, because they’re all bad, and my Primary care DR wants to “in house” me in the hospital for 30 days minimum to get my liver functioning as close to normal as possible Because its very hard to do that with in home treatments she says and I Just want to get myself back to being healthy, and without sp much pain so I can have a longer life, better than 5 years so how do I put a price on life? I cant so Im just begging for help so that I may be able to be here for as long as possible for my son and my family… I’m sorry if this was so long I just wanted people to know me a little… I wish I had a million dollars I wouldn’t be here begging for help, I wish I could move to somewhere that was cheaper to live than here in Fl… I wish a lot of things… but my biggest wish right now is for more life… more time, I wish I had the kind of money I could take time off work to be with my son more than 4 hours a day mostly less than that lately because the cost of living keeps going up, but peoples pay isn’t, and I don’t think its fair to keep charging people ridiculous amounts of money for simple little jobs, or even big jobs…as a small business owner its hard especially since I have not so great credit I cant even get a business loan, and I learned that it is not as “easy” to be financially free as people make it out to be on social media or anywhere else… what kind of a number do I put? I don’t know what to ask for so Im just going to just say Please… anything will help large or small amounts. I mean it when I tell you this little boy changed my life… I don’t drink, smoke pot, or even so much as take tylenol anymore because I am scared to put anything in my body that will hurt my liver and shorten my life anymore than it already is.
thank you so much for your time.
sincerely Robert W.
my Paypal is PayPal.me/RobbieRob83
my cash app is robbierob83xo
Robert Williams
Thank you so much for your time, and if there is anything you’d like to know about me or want to ask feel free… I wear my heart on my sleeve and I refuse to lie to anyone, life is too short… I hate that its also so dang expensive especially to prolong it once you’re in trouble and Im sorry that I’ve had to resort to ask for help, or beg for help whatever you want to call it… Whoever you are I love you and thank you.